In many places, this is the time of year when people go back to school. Some people love school, and some aren’t such big fans—they’d rather be playing Two Dots, of course—but the creature most excited about a return to academia is the handsome and intellectual Mouflon.

Now, Mouflon is his name, but that’s also a type of sheep—one that scientists believe might be the ancestor of all other sheep breeds! And Mouflon takes this pedigree very seriously, almost like a responsibility. Even as a very young kid, he was dedicated to telling his friends about sheep history and culture. Mouflon eventually grew up and got his doctorate (or is that “Dot-torate”?) in Ovine Studies, with a double minor in Cabric Languages and Traditonal Grazing Techniques.

But what to do with such an esoteric field of specialization, besides teaching? Just as Mouflon was beginning to wonder, he got a postcard from his old friend, Uncle Jack. He and his niece Emily were planning a long journey across a mountaintop where lots of sheep lived, and Jack wanted to make sure he didn’t step on any toes (or hooves) while in their territory. So, through a long exchange of delightfully whimsical postcards, Uncle Jack and Emily asked Mouflon their many questions, and he advised them on the finer points of ovine culture.

If you’d like to ask Mouflon some questions of your own, you can meet up with him in Mouflon’s Capricious Flip! It’s a little harder than one of his pop quizzes, but a lot more fun.

And thanks to Mouflon for helping us with this post—you’re not just a stellar sheep, you’re the GOAT.